Symbol mark production for a travel agency
August 2, 2022 Business diary
コロナ禍に入り、最も厳しい業種となった旅行業者のロゴタイプを制作。 名刺も作成しましたので、これから本格的に営業に回れるよう何とか頑張って欲しいものです。
GODEX TT600 Chinese manual translated into Japanese
February 8, 2021 Business diary
2年前にGODEXのTT600ストロボを購入したのですが、マニュアルが中国語と英語しかなく、オンラインで翻訳できるdoctranslatorを使用してPDFのマニュアルから翻訳。 機械翻訳なので若干読みづらいところはあり …
Start working early in the morning and submit a rough to the client in the morning.
December 5, 2018 Facebook
Start working early in the morning and submit a rough to the client in the morning. Sometimes I got a breath, I tried to create a single site of "potato" on a try. (Created in about 10 minutes.) This is really simple and simple, but 1 page is free. Anyone can make ...
A car and a motorcycle that used to work in the old days.
September 25, 2018 Facebook
A car and a motorcycle that used to work in the old days. Used for carrying things, putting families and all the utility vehicles. When I was young, I longed for a jeep running around Nozan, but I am satisfied with minicar in Tokyo without having to look around parking lot in Tokyo. Facebook
I made a symbol mark of a company that registered corporation in the demolition business.
September 5, 2018 Facebook
I made a symbol mark of a company that registered corporation in the demolition business. I was pleased. Facebook